Friday, April 13, 2012

My  Family Pet is MISSING!

  •  My 1st advice for this problem is....To get out there and start looking as soon as you can't find your dog at home...!!!  The sooner you start to put the word out, the better chance you have of finding your pet. 
  • Call your Animal Control Officer.
  • Call or go to your neighbor's for help.
  • Neighborhood children on bicycles are a good resource. 
  • Put up posters, (with reward's offered, will increases your chances) especially if you can afford more than someone might have paid for your pet...(usually $100.00-$200.00)
  • Post to all Local... Vet Clinics/Shelters/Area Stores/Facebook/Drive-Thru/Chicken Places/BBQ Places or any places which might be a food source for your, Lost Pet...
  No matter where you live, your pet can get hit my by a passing car.( So, you  have a fenced yard ). Dogs dig, jump, chew and pull at anything that keeps them from their appointed rounds. And they usually want to go in the neighbor's yard. Or check out the dogs down the street, or just chaise things. These are all things your dog will do if left to his freedoms. Most dogs travel certain paths or areas when they are on the loose. They generally know where the water sources are in their areas. Sometimes if they are hit by passing cars (and no one stops to help them...), Depending on the extent of their injuries and if able to, they will drag themselves to the closest water sources. So check all nearby water locations to for your pet.
   Which brings me to another danger, in areas where there are wild predators your dog can fall victim to any number of things. Live close to areas where alligators might be? Don't think, because you have a big dog, this won't happen to him...Gators lie in wait in areas where other animals go for their water sources. And they live there until, the source is depleted or gone. If you know your dog likes water, always check where he swims, often. Oh my dog is big enough to take care of a gator!
   Not underwater...,Which is what a gator does. He will lie in wait, like a log, close to the bank, and in 1 sudden leap will have your dog in his powerful jaws, dragging him underwater then holding him there until,
he has drowned him...(Not a pretty sight to see if it's your own, "Beloved Family Pet"). Alligators have been known to eat small livestock, such as baby calves that can weigh up to75-100lbs, goats.chickens and pigs. A large alligator will take a 10-25lb pet in his jaws, crush him, drowned him, and then flip him around in his mouth to swallow him head first and whole...! Depending on the size of the gator and the size of the dog as to how many days he will feed on him. Take note if you have small children that play in these areas as well. Because when the food supply of smaller animals runs out and they get really hungry, your children can be next...Call your state's Wildlife Officer's and file a report for removal/relocation to protect both the alligator and your children...

Confucius says: "Children and pet's need parent's who protect them from all possible dangerous situations! So "Parent's" BEWARE!

Confused says:  It's not meant that your "Family Pet's" shouldn't have any freedoms to be just "Pets"...
But, that you should supervise/train/ and protect them...Teach them to be well trained, respectful, and sociable...Just as I and all your neighbors, hope you would teach your children...

There is an old saying, that says: "Ignorance is Bliss"!..."No it is not"!... Not when you lose something you Love!

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